From the Turnitin inbox, open any submission using the pencil icon ().
On the right hand side of the document viewer, click the Information icon (). Here, you'll find the Feedback Studio for iOS section.
Enter and confirm your email address and select the Email Me button.
After checking that you have the most up-to-date version of the Turnitin for iOS app installed, access your email account on the same iPad you intend to use for marking.
From inside the TurnitinUK email that has been sent to you, select the Add Class button. This will take you directly to the class inside the Turnitin app.
Step 2 - Synchronising Assignments
It is recommended that all submissions are downloaded before marking.
If you have multiple dropboxes added to the Turnitin app, select the required assignment.
To synchronise the dropbox, tap the Information icon and select Download All.
Assignments will now reside on the iPad, with the app interface resembling the desktop inbox. This allows tutors to mark offline where an internet connection is not available.
Changes you make via the app will sync at 5 minute intervals and will require an internet connection. If your iPad goes offline, the Turnitin app will sync as soon as a working connection is found. Syncing can also be triggered manually from the main navigation menu.